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A continuation of the story found on Furaffinity, this is part 2 of Zac's experience in corrupting a universe.


And so, off she went from the classroom. Her thick red and black tail swayed behind her while her feet claws clacked along the tile ground through the college hallways. One blushing girl passed her, clutching her books to her chest,

“H-hi Zac, miss~” the student huffed, “good afternoon~”

Zac smiled, “good afternoon to you too, little one~” she spoke, before kissing her on the head. This caused the human to blush harder as black fur sprouted all across her face and down her body. The student’s skirt was tented in front and behind her, with a long cat-like tail swishing out behind her and a thick throbbing cock sensitively twitching out between her legs. She mewled, her new black paws holding her cock as it throbbed and gushed precum without end.


“You run along now, kitten. Mommy has a job to do~” Zac smiled, petting her between her pointed ears. The student only nodded, still clutching her cock while other human students all gathered to gawk at the changed, beautiful student. Of course, none of the students, teachers, or any of the staff thought the existence of this tall, beautiful manned wolf was out of place. All their minds had been simply twisted to figure that this was just how it always had been, with her transforming her victims into lust-addict anthropomorphic animals.

The work of an anchor could be chalked up to not even working at all, as even the snap of the fingers can be enough to cause a universe to go into irreversible corruption. There is, however, one thing anchors need to watch out for…

Zac passed by another teacher that just finished his lesson, backing up his bags and getting ready to move to his next class. The moment Zac passed him, the teacher’s heart stopped, his eyes darting to the students around him. All of them were either secretly rubbing themselves, pleasuring someone else, or transformed entirely,

“Hiiii Mr. Field~” the same anthro cat that was just transformed purred, moving right up against the frozen teacher, “I know we have a test tomorrow, but I’m really feeling…mmh~ behind~ do you mind if we have some one-on-one tutoring~? Just you and me~? Mmwrr~”

Field felt her paw very gently rub up against his crotch, which he quickly swatted away,

“Uh- later!” he huffed, immediately retreating back into his class and slamming the door. He threw his suitcase onto the desk and opened it. Inside was his normal teacher job papers and textbooks, but in a hidden flap underneath it revealed the tools he never thought he would need. A pristine silver and white blade, as well as a necklace that held a transparent crystal, which in turn held a sliver of wood which had a light colour to it. It glowed in its crystal prison, giving off a purifying sense around him. With a nod, he quickly adorned the necklace, slipping it into his shirt, and slid the blade into a sheath disguised in the back of his pants.

If Field knew anything about anchors, it was that many of them worked alone. He just needed to kill it. Eliminating an anchor is incredibly tough work to do alone, but if he didn’t take them out it could spell total disaster for the whole universe.

With a deep breath, he left the classroom and began swiftly trailing Zac. He didn’t look entirely out of place, since the human to corrupt-horny-anthro-animals was starting to balance out. Animals were pushing themselves against lockers, fluids and cum was puddling on the ground, and wherever he looked, Field could see another human growing powerful claws, wings, tails, and thick throbbing cocks.

Field took in a deep, wavered breath. He needed to stay calm. The universe will naturally heal once he takes out the anchor, so there’s nothing he can do to purify any corrupt victims outside of tackling the source. That being said, his time was quickly running out. Corruption grows exponentially.

After turning one more corner, he spotted Zac’s thick black and red tail, swishing along while she walked pridefully down the hall. Field’s heart pounded, and he could feel the pure corrupt aura that surrounded her. His hand felt for the crystal necklace around his neck, holding onto it tightly as he followed Zac into the teacher’s lounge. This was the moment of truth.

It was just the two of them in the lounge. Looking as casual as he could, Field passed by her as she sat backwards onto the couch,

“Nice day out, isn’t it~?”

Zac’s words pierced the silence. Field kept his head down to look into the fridge,

“Uh, yeah. Good day!” Field smiled, nodding, “how are…how is your day?”

“It’s been going quite well~” she purred, “most of my students have been perfectly well behaved~”

Field glanced up at Zac, seeing her bright purple eyes glare into him.

“Your heart is beating quite fast~ are you okay hun~?”

“A-ah uhm…oh I just-“

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Field gently touched his necklace, “I'm fine, just a lot of work needs to be done.”

“Do you wanna sit and talk about it~?”

Anchors have the ability to manipulate the mind in any way they see fit without any effort. Just speaking causes reality to warp to their whim. As terrifying as this power can be to someone who isn’t an anchor, it can be a blessing since anchors can’t tell if their reality-speaking really works or if the person they’re affecting are just pretending,

“Ah, sure!” Field smiles, strolling casually towards her. Time felt like it slowed as a grin began to form at Zac’s muzzle,

“Nice necklace, there~” Zac smiled, leaning forwards, “did Life get it for you~?”

Field unsheathed his blade, and with as fast of a movement he could, he lunged to attack. Field then felt a sharp pain in his leg, causing him to almost stumble forwards, Zac’s tail had turned into a tail maw, chomping down on his leg,

“Maybe if you’re gonna hide that necklace, you should also hide that purity aura it gives off. We anchors can smell that a mile away.”

“Let go of me!”

Field slashed at the tail, causing it to let go. He stumbled back, and Zac lunged at him with fire behind her eyes. The two collided and hit the back wall. Thinking fast, Field kicked her in the stomach and advanced, swinging his blade using every second he trained for this moment. Zac parried using only her claws, the two of them trading hits back and forth.

“Stay out of my universe!” Field shouted, “leave my people alone!”

“This universe has no owner, hunter!” Zac countered, “I have a right to corrupt it for the sake of my master, just like you have a right to slaughter livestock for your food!”

Zac pushed Field into a wall, causing him to gasp. The impact against the wall caused his grip to loosen on the blade, and with a swift movement of her tail, Zac grabbed the blade out of his hand,

“Mmm~ you know children aren’t allowed to carry weapons like this in school,” Zac purred, flipping the blade around in her paw, “and this shouldn’t be allowed either~”

Zac slid her paw around the string that held Field’s necklace. With a sharp claw, she snapped the string and let the crystal fall into her paw,

“I have to say, getting a shard of Life’s antlers to prevent you getting corrupted was pretty impressive of you~ how’d you get something like this? Do you hunters have some kind of murder market that you browse?”

Field kept his back to the wall while Zac was close. His breathing was heavy, and his heart felt like it was going to blast out of his chest. With a grin, Zac popped the crystal into her mouth, crushing the crystal in her jaws and letting the antler shard dissolve on her tongue. A bright shimmering glow enveloped her, which she quickly shook off. Field tried not to make it look like Zac had won, but it was quickly coming to that,

“Now, what next? Do I warp your mind, turn you into a little version of me that I can mother, and then get you to fill me for the rest of eternity~?” Zac smiled, moving close to Field’s clenched, hyperventilating face. Field didn’t respond. Zac threw him to the ground, and with a snap of her fingers, Field’s clothes suddenly vanished. He covered himself, crawling slowly away from the looming anchor. His arms clutched his legs as he shut his eyes, knowing what was about to happen. Zac was going to corrupt him, and he was never going to see his universe again.

Zac angrily scoffed, “mother of Chaos, you hunters do not make this fun.”

She knelt down beside Field, letting out a sigh, “look at me, human,” she said with disappointed eyes, “I think you may have misunderstood what it is I, and the rest of my anchor cohorts, exactly do.

Field was still terrified, shaking, but he managed to look up at Zac, “Chaos is a god of lust. We go around universes ‘corrupting’ them in order to get out all that tasty lust you humans give off. When you’re like this, all cowering and afraid, there’s no fun in rewriting your mind. We’re not murderers, like you hunters, we’re just looking to have some harmless fun~”

Field didn’t know how to respond, not understanding what Zac was trying to say. He remembered all those stories he read about anchors killing people…what happened?

Zac flipped out a card, “your fighting was not bad! Definitely trained, but inexperienced. What are you, an english teacher?”

“A-ah…art…an art teacher…” Field sputtered. Zac nodded,

“An art teacher! Well then I have a proposition for you~” Zac smiled, “anchors thrive on creativity, and I know a lot of students who want to be anchors, but don’t have a lot of people teaching them how to be…well…creative. I think you would do well in an environment like that~”

Zac placed the card in between Field’s fingers, “I’m gonna corrupt this universe for my boss, but I’ll put you in a universe just like this one which I won’t touch,” Zac stands up, “and if you ever change your mind on this whole silly hunter business…gimme a call~”

Zac gave Field a small kiss on the forehead, before suddenly disappearing. Field found himself collapsed on the floor with all his clothes back on and a small card in his hands. The air stopped smelling like pheromones, and the wind wasn’t hot and steamy. When he stumbled back onto his feet, he turned over the card, which had a cute illustration of Zac on the back, along with instructions on how to summon her again.

Field felt like ripping it up, setting it on fire, and then tossing the ashes into the ocean. He felt like it was his duty to never even consider becoming an anchor…but Zac’s friendly smile stared back at him. Anchors don’t kill people.

With a sigh, Field pocketed the card and left the lounge.