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So, if anyone has been keeping track of the people writing TFs, you'll notice there are a few people who haven't written a lot of transformations. This includes Kumi, Nova, and Solidus. Solidus in particular has been with me since the earliest days of DR.

However, entirely out of nowhere, he announced he's leaving not only DR, but my public Discord server which he modded for. He gave no warning, or any build up. It was just a sudden announcement we were left with, and he was gone. This was also the same day another one of my close admins announced he was taking a break.

Nova had also left a few weeks back, pretty suddenly too, but Solidus leaving feels a lot...personally worse, since I have very, very high respect for Solidus as a friend. He's helped me through so much as a person and as a friend, and helped me through so many problems. I asked him if there was any particular reason he left, but he told me he couldn't easily talk about it.

I hope Solidus comes back. He tells me he doesn't know if it will just be a long break, or he's leaving for good, but I really, really hope he returns someday.
Again, Solidus changed my life in personal ways that I couldn't replicate with anyone else.

This might harm my productivity for a while. I know I still have my team, and my games to make, and I'll continue trying my best for everyone.



I wish him the best, and thank him for his work on these projects.