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I've been playing around with painting weight maps to try and get the effect of clothing pushing into the skin. It's something that I've only seen a few 3D artists do when dealing with expansion content, but I've always loved the effect.

Painting in 3D space does take some getting used to, so I'm practicing on some one-off characters before tacking any major scenes for the game.

I can achieve a decent effect with it as long as I keep things subtle,

but if I want a more drastic effect, I'm going to need a bit more practice.

Things tend to get lumpy and jagged if I turn the effect up too much, as you can see here.

The BTGG theme was inspired by a post that Expanding Universe Games made over on his Patreon page, about creating a new character.

But enough chatter from me, here is the full iray render for you patient people.



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