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It's been a few weeks, and unless you're hanging out in some of the same Discord channels as I am, though I know some of you are, then you might be wondering what I've been up to.

When not watching the dumpster fire that has been 2020 on the news, or tackling raising small humans during a global pandemic, I've been hacking away at the game.

Being still very early in development I've spent the past couple of weeks looking at laying down some of the backend code. The problem with that is that I have little prior knowledge about what the hell I'm doing, and have been learning things as I go. 

I've had no formal training when it comes to python, or any computer language really, so about 90% of my time has been spent just learning how to do the things I want to do. This is also of course all done solely during my free time...

I want to lay some of the groundwork now so that I don't need to go back and rewrite things later on, and I have made progress with some simple game features, but unless you're interested in looking at code, there is not much to show off on here.

At some point, before the end of the month, I will take a break from writing and coding and render some more character sprites, as well as another desktop wallpaper for this month's Patreon supporters. Until then, I just wanted to give an update on how things were going. 

Anyway, I'm going to get back to coding.

Stay safe!


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