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You probably already know this from the wiki summaries but that was Liore and it ties really nicely to ep 3! Rose was brainwashed by the priest to believe that alchemy was 'miracles' and could bring back her fiance from the dead. At the end of ep 3, Ed and Al motivated her to keep on living for herself, and here you see that she finally was able to overcome her grief and become a pillar for the town's reconstruction. It's a super touching moment, especially in the scene where Hohenheim walks across the water: the guy next to her says, 'it's a miracle,' but she refutes him saying it's alchemy, showing that she's already learnt from her past mistakes where she blindly believed alchemy would cure everything. I just think it's a very beautiful, full-circle moment. :)


Yeah I think I realized it one or two episodes later when we see her again! I'm up to ep45 at this point. Super awesome we got to see her again and I love how this world feels really "alive" in that way, how we get to meet some of the side characters back from early on