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Russian Paul

i don't want to get into it here either lol buuuut i'm gay and it's my observation that LGBT has been co=opted and is used cynically top down by creepy entities. they stoke division and create conflict so we don't unite on economic issues or to end war. have healthcare that doesn't make us go broke (here in US). left vs right is a psyop. media from both sides create these tribal identities that aren't based in reality. i too have great respect for religion and i understand where social conservatives come from even though i've always been more "left". but these terms mean nothing nowadays. there's socially conservative communists and ultra liberal pro-war capitalists. it's really the people vs the elite. and they use every culture issue possible to distract us. sorry i'll stop ranting this is more a conversation you have over a beer haha i'm just here to watch sunny :P

Russian Paul

mac (and the gang in general) not being able to see their own hypocrisy is like 90% of the show lol


Haha no worries man. I tend to be pretty anti-political nowadays. Can't really say I trust any politician or movement whatsoever and I rather just focus on myself and the people in my direct environment who I know for sure act in good faith.