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Ayanokoji getting girls huh??




- Elections for the student council president are held in the middle of the year each year and last until the middle of the following year. Therefore Manabu cannot run for re-election as he is a third year student and will graduate. - As I recall in the anime this is the first direct interaction between Ayanokouji and Katsuragi so it may seem very abrupt for him to show up and warn him about Ryuen. In the anime they omitted volume 4.5 which takes place during the vacations right after the exam on the cruise ship, in this volume there are several stories and among them one in which Ayanokouji helps Katsuragi with a personal problem which makes them a bit closer and makes this approach more coherent. But guess which story from volume 4.5 was adapted, the all-important swimming pool episode, totally relevant to the plot haha (the one who stopped the guys from filming the girls in the locker room was actually Karuizawa, this being her first "mission" outside of the vip exam, but since the anime adapted it before the cruise she was changed to Horikita). - Ayanokouji was the one who set Karuizawa up and used Manabe and the other two C class girls (he communicated with them through a sub account, that's why they don't know who he is) then he recorded the attack on Karuizawa to threaten them and that's why they end up being the traitors, they leaked Ryuen's plan and recorded the conversation, that's why Ayanokouji already knew that Kushida was the traitor. - As I mentioned in the first episode, in the anime they omit a lot of Ayanokouji's inner thoughts so it seems like he is completely cold and has no emotions and feelings but he does have them he just does not express them, his face always remains expressionless and dead eyed. He can feel sad because his friends Ike, Yamauchi and Sudo go out together without him, he considers them friends and worries that they may not see him in the same way. He is always uncomfortable when he is alone with Kushida and in the anime it seems like it is because he is afraid of her "true face" but in reality it is because he is nervous to be around a girl who is very beautiful and he may even think: "Besides, being alone with Kushida in a place with a ton of couples spiked my heart rate" or "As Kushida looked up at me with uneasy eyes, I had the sudden urge to embrace her. I stretched my back out and tried to shake those thoughts" o "With the vast ocean and the endless blue sky behind her, Kushida looked even more radiant than usual. Even though I didn't want it to, my heart started to pound. Could it be...?" a very different Ayanokouji than the one depicted in the anime, isn't it? Add to this the POVs we got in the first few episodes and we can conclude that he's not asexual at all haha. I don't think my examples can explain it clearly but in conclusion Ayanokouji is a guy who has feelings and emotions (not at the level of a normal highschool student though) but he analyzes them with a cold mind and since he is an expressionless person it's impossible to read by the people around him and that's why he gives the impression that he doesn't care about anything. - During the first few days of school the students made a list of the best looking boys and girls in the first year, Ayanokouji was among the top but his lack of social skills overshadowed him and so he only received female attention when he first stood out during the relay race. I just wanted to explain a little and ended up writing a lot haha. Great reaction.


Ah dude thanks man! I read the whole thing. I can definitely see now why so many people point out how lacking the anime can be compared to the novel. These are very interesting personality traits of Ayanokoji to keep in mind because the anime didn't communicate most of this stuff to me at all. Also I really thought Manabu leaving was something pre-planned that would get a big reveal later lmao. I'll make sure to discuss these things heading into ep9 (already recorded ep8)!! Thanks again :)