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Hey everyone, I hope you've all been enjoying your holiday weeks! Unfortunately, I myself have been stuck in bed with the flu for almost a week now.

Thankfully, I always work ahead, so I've been letting the schedule resume as usual so far. I'm starting to feel better already, but I'll need to delay these few videos to allow myself to catch back up:

Wednesday - Fate/Zero (resumes Saturday)
Thursday - Re:Zero (resumes Monday)

Thanks for understanding! I also plan to start watching Solo Leveling on the channel as the episodes air! So you can look forward to my reaction to episode 1 by Saturday. Wishing you all a great first week of the year!




Hope u get better soon. I gladly have a lot of content to catch up on haha so this pause doesn't bother me as much :D


Thanks man! Yeah true there've been lots of videos 😬 Haha enjoy!


Hope you get well soon. Everyone in my family was also sick at some point over the holidays. For me, it was the week of Christmas Eve. Kinda fucked me since I waited for that last week to buy Christmas presents xD


Ah, and Happy New Year to you and everyone reading this ^^