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It's a shame that this season has fallen so much in quality of adaptation, the previous season had life, from the scenery to the choreography, every little eye movement conveyed something but this season is deficient and even mediocre in some parts. That said the story is good, what makes some things seem incoherent or forced is the omission of information and the bad representation of the scenes. Why Rudeus had a boner with Sylphy but not with Sara is explained when they are in the brothel, the girl said: "It seemed to me that Rudeus was frightened of womem. Perhaps if he knows a woman he wouldn't fear? Someone whom he feels certain would never turn on him?" At that moment he thought of Roxy. Remember that his problem is not anatomical but psychological, and is due to Eris' abandonment, you could say that although he was not aware that the person next to him was Sylphy, his subconscious knew it (there are some thoughts of Rudeus about Fitz in this season that can confirm this). Great reaction, I can't wait to see the reaction to the next episode haha happy holidays btw hope you have a great time. PS: I must add that MT is also one of my favourite anime, in my top 10 favourite anime and light novels.


Been really enjoying your reactions. If you have time I would LOVE to see you check out Frieren: At Journeys end. It’s a wonderful new show.


I've only been hearing amazing things about it! Will see what I can do :)


Thanks man! Hope you've had great Christmas too :) Yeah that explanation regarding Rudeus and the difference between Sara and Sylphie makes a lot of sense. Let's hope the second half is able to step up its game when it airs!


Sylphiette never told Ariel or Luke that her hair used to be green. Since the first time they saw her she has always had white hair. They assume Rudy has forgotten about his white-haired elf childhood friend. This explains why they are convinced he's forgotten and needs a reminder. Sylphy expects Rudy to have recognized her the same way she recognized him. Since he didn't, she is terrified that she may just be a remnant of his past. That he has moved on from and doesn't hold the same attachment to her that she did/does him. The whole scenario Ariel cooked up was to try and force/guarantee Rudy would remember Sylphy by recreating that memorable moment they shared. It wasn't necessary, but did end up being emotional and impactful for both.