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It just won't stop!!




Just to clarify all that church stuff, the church in that world isn't what you may think it is, in a way it's like an equivalent of the Magic Association, it's an organization (albeit a religious one) which actively hunts down those they deem problematic in the hidden world full of magic you've been watching in that series. Kirei is an executor, a fighting force of the church. They didn't always oversaw the Grail Wars, with all those rules. But after the second war which was an absolute bloodbath, they were tasked with regulated them. Fate zero is the 4th war, and Fate stay night (all the routes) is the 5th war.


Note that Avalon is the artifact they used to summon Arthuria/Saber, and that if Irisviel didn't need it to survive, Saber would have her most powerful noble phantasm. More than Excalibur. It's said quickly in the Fate zero books at that point, because it's things the readers are supposed to already know from F/sn, and because it's not very relevant to Fate zero's story (apart from explaining why it's not used).


Wow that's fascinating actually how so much is known about the previous wars too. Do any of the animes cover this too? Or is it only mentioned in visual or light novels?