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Russian Paul

healthcare system in america is extremely rapacious but what's not accurate here is you would never get kicked out of a hospital like that, they'll just bury you in debt

Russian Paul

the whole sequence with frank in the mental hospital is a reference to one of his first movies One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (1975) with jack nicholson. he played the guy with the cards who keeps saying "hit me". the indian chief is the nephew of the original actor in the film too. if you haven't seen it i highly recommend, one of the greatest anti-establishment stories put to film. the book is really good too


Haha yeah I would figure that! Money makes the world go round ;)


Oh I never saw it but I've always heard great things! Lot of references to movies/hypes/culture etc in Sunny so I'll be bound to miss a good number of them.