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Quick heads-up: Re:Zero is moving to Wednesdays from here on out! Man, what an amazing episode this was. It managed to fully put into perspective the relationship between these two characters that so far I had struggled to make sense of. While I'm still left in the dark as far as Roswaal's role in all of this, I totally understand Rem's conflicted nature taking on these responsibilities now knowing that her sister should be the one to have done so...




Hey Robin, love your ReZero reactions, would like for them to be more frequent :) Its very subtle but the reason for Rems guilt is her immediate reaction to her sisters horn being cut off. Her smile and the following quote shows that she actually felt releave. She is ashamed of her selfish feelings she felt at the moment And please try to use the actual names of the sisters xD You can use the English Dub to look up the pronunciations (the Dub is surprisingly good)

Robin Berglund

Subaru having scary-looking eyes is a description from the books, that isn't that easy to see in his anime-appearance but still gets mentioned a lot due to it being relevant to the story in some cases~


Rem and Ram (pronounced like "jam") are two distinct enough names, I don't think anyone would be confused if you used the actual names.

Dennis Janssen

By now you surely know, but still... Ram told Subaru to "hit" her horn to bring her back to her senses, not to cut it off. I hope you will have stopped confusing one for another in the next videos. I am very bad at recognising faces, but even I can tell them apart. Clear color code, different names, totally different character.