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Hey everyone,

Just a quick update. I unexpectedly got pretty sick for a couple of days. I'm feeling quite well again by now but haven't been able to work on anything as a consequence these last days.

My original plan was to start doing movie reactions every Wednesday but I won't be able to get one out today. I hope you'll understand! I did manage to record more AoT today, so I'll make sure those videos will be out in time for the regular schedule to continue. I haven't delayed a single upload since starting the series five months ago and I plan to keep it that way!

Movie reactions will continue next week and I'll try to see if I can deliver two at once to make up for it. Thanks for sticking with me! We actually crossed 300 patrons and I still can't believe it. I'm really happy to hear how much you're all enjoying the content! Cya Friday for the Midnight Sun reaction! Man what an episode that was...



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