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I neglected to comment last episode even though there was a lot to talk about. Last episode when Shogo killed the girl Kirara, he didn't absorb her Skill. He gained enough energy from absorbing her soul to gain his own Unique Skill formed from his own intense needs at the time. He had found that killing humans (by accident in training) somehow made him stronger. Words of the World (WotW)(aka Voice of the World, World Language), is the Voice of the AI-like entity that controls the world. It's not intelligent, though, it merely follows the rules of the world. It grants Skills and evolutions or announces such changes to the individual. It can rarely need to make a general announcement like here. It's not Great Sage. Great Sage merely copied its voice way back in the cave. There are a couple of times in these two episodes when WotW is speaking but it seems like it's Great Sage. Sometimes the two are speaking to each other, like when Great Sage is asking for itself to be evolved. After its evolution to Raphael its voice has softened. I'll get back to this later. ..... Back to Megiddo, that is a spell. It's function is to summon water spirits to create water lenses (water created by spirits obeys the laws of nature). It is used to concentrate and control sunlight into beams of light at high temperatures to penetrate armor to kill people. Rimuru set up an Anti-Magic Area first so those within could not use new magic, while Rimuru used the power of physics. All the magic parts occurred outside the Anti-Magic Barrier. It was a way to get around the protective magic barriers the enemy had set up prior. Megiddo is the name (and location) of the first known fully-described battle in history. Many battles later occurred there as well. The Greeks used the word Armageddon. ...... Now to Rimuru's evolution. There was a worry that Rimuru would go out of control, and Rimuru had made Benimaru promise to kill him is that happened. To that point, Benimaru gathered the strongest of the Tempest people to do that if necessary, unfortunately, they had no idea everyone would be falling asleep. This frequently happens when undergoing an evolution.. ....... During Rimuru's evolution, Great Sage, not supposed to be sentient or have an ego capable of emotion or independent initiation of action, did something unheard of: it did something without orders from Rimuru. A Unique Skill (especially) is born of one's own desires, and as such is fully devoted to the person whose Skill it is. Great Sage knew what Rimuru 's fervent goal was, to bring his people back. The prediction of a 3.14% chance of success wasn't good enough for Great Sage if there were any way to improve the chances. That is why it requested evolution for itself and Gluttony. The effort of trying over and over again eventually found success, partially as a reflection of Rimuru's desires and Great Sage's effort and determination. It needed to sacrifice something to free up energy for these Skill evolutions. Ultimate Skills, as these are, are incredibly rare. That a Skill was able to request and evolve by itself, again, was unheard of. ..... All those named or evolved by Rimuru received a gift. ..... Diablo (he his not named yet, though) has been watching Rimuru for a long time. He has been waiting for an opportunity to be summoned by him. When Rimuru summoned a demon, he was only intending to get an average random high level demon, but Diablo inserted himself into the Summoning. Something about Rimuru interests him. At this point Diablo is an old, old Archdemon, who now also has a permanent physical body. To be an Archdemon, a demon must reach the maximum energy limit of demons. After that, maintaining that level for at least 2000 years puts you into position for a trigger to enable evolution beyond that level. That's where we are with Diablo. Well, that's it for now. There are a few less important topics but I wrote enough.


Wow, thanks for the extensive comment again man! I really wonder what Diablo's ultimate motive is... Can't say I got high hopes to trust him lmao