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Jeff-sensei was being sort of insulting to Rimuru when he said the kids would be too rambunctious in a house where a sick person resides. He was implying they would be rowdy, noisy, and rude. Sensei is used for teachers, it means something like teacher or master. It is also used for people like doctors, authors, artisans, etc. It's a form of address, but if you asked a teacher what their profession is, sensei is not the correct answer. There is a good word for teacher, doctor, etc. Senpai is a senior within an organization or in a skill. Kouhai is a junior. -san is the most neutral, formal way to address or refer to someone. You can't go wrong using this with a stranger. You would refer to your female students this way, and also fellow students would if you aren't close with someone. -kun is used when it's a male student, maybe not so much in college, but a boss might use it to both males and females, when emphasizing the boss/employee relationship. -chan is very familiar, used on young girls or pets, but if you're good friends, a girl might use it for a boy. There are exceptions to all of these, they can all be used in wider situations, but of all these, -san is the least likely to offend. -sama is very common in anime, but in real life it's only used in formal speech, it is used for superiors. It can be used as a joke, too.


Another word used for spectre in Slime is phantom.