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Ayanokoji will be Ayanokoji...

Hope you all enjoyed my journey through Classroom of the Elite! :)



Dude Myname

Ayanokoji at the end says, “I pray that while I’m holding someone precious in my arms, that I’m smiling” I feel like he does want to love her and become more human, but he just can’t because of how he was raised. Also this season was more like a drama compared to the other seasons which were psychological mind games. Horikita being her self again and not trying to be like her brother, Hirata wanting to become a better leader for the class, Ichinose not running away from her past, I think that’s the direction this series is going to go. Instead of man vs man it’s man vs self.

Dude Myname

If you liked this anime you should also check out Tomodachi Game, it’s similar in a way but has more mind games!