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I am all in for this!! You know how much I love reality shows and this is their daily life and how the got introduced to each other and the haus! Seoyeon is so cute with how awkward she is with the camera 




The warning was real. You vibe with one signal, and it's done. Seoyeon was the pick for us to be introduced first. She is so likable. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't keep on watching and falling. Remember, she is the experiment with no training. After constantly being approached, she gave in to Modhaus. Take your time and keep on enjoying it. They are always filming. Today they dropped a signal of them doing a run-through for the US tour.

Chad Williams

yes they film everything training them going out music shows mvs everything btw they have set filming times they dont always film them and its usually with smaller cameras not big fancy setups that way its easier to film they still have their privacy