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I think she's my bias wrecker! First time checking Girls' Generation on a variety show! Sad that 2 of them couldn't make it here :(




OMG! Finally see the snsd content in your patreon channel😄 My home, my girls, my girls' generation... This is to remind everyone how SNSD is with variety shows, even during their in rookie days they were really chaotic and real. That's why they were always the best girl group in variety shows as well!🤣😂😍 BTW:I think no other gg can beat snsd in variety show,they are hilarious asf, and competitive! plus, they dont bother their idol image which makes them more funny XD,,I guess that's one of the natural charms of snsd😂 Thanks for your reaction💗


Also we are sorry to inform you that,Soshi Tamtam ep1&ep2,Because Seohyun was busy shooting a drama,She will be absent from these 2 episodes😢


Ohhh :( I hope from ep 3 onwards all of them will be seen together on screen :')