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They met Dayeon's mom?! what?! Mid-check ranking announcement was wild but why make them extra nervous?

This was more of a healing episode like a variety show




First, Shiro has acrophobia and a fear of heights. Mnet knew that and made her perform on a bridge at the top of a skyscraper. 🖕Ment. Dayeon already received hate before this ep, and after it exploded, calling her the princess of Mnet and much, MUCH worse things said about her. Hate she still gets for. So the mod check was what I was referring to about why others didn't make it. When this happened, live k voters and k fans panicked cause there were only 3 Koreans in the top nine. Mnet did this, too, cause they were worried about having more foreign members than Korean. Cause it would be harder to sell a group like that in Korea. I mentioned the k group was really competitive, so Korean voters (cause they have to majority voting power) started doubling down on Korean trainees. This mid-check switched the landscape for who could've potentially have joined Kepi. But with all said and done, I can't possibly imagine no one else being part of my girls. I love the nine we got. 0T9 4ever❤️


I was kinda wondering what did people think about a Dayeon focused episode... there must've been a lot of backlash.