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We got more info after I recorded the reaction to 24 and I would like to add: These choreo moves need to be discussed in more depth between mdh and the members. Hyerin is someone that is really passionate about performing and giving the best result so they shouldn't have asked her if it's fine in the first place because she would've said yes regardless. Now, Hyerin & Yubin are the only ones who did it and I can't force them to not lift their shirts if that's what they want to do. So at the end of the day, it's for the company and the members to discuss this in a serious way... I'm not her father. I would add that they could've chosen older members for those moves especially the Hayeon one but anyway................. what are your thoughts? is it as serious as what wavs are saying on sns?

The Dollywood video was hilarious and possibly the funniest tripleS content this era!!




this episode was so funny im so glad they went on it and i really want them to do a self-made multiple part drama series like dreamcatcher did a couple years ago haha as for the performance: the company already knows that we were uncomfortable with minors debuting in the first place so doing something like this is just irresponsible on modhauses part. i don’t get why did couldn’t just allocate the more mature parts to the adult members because its not like we don’t have enough of them? i would really appreciate some sort of communication from modhaus instead of them just making the members address it themselves on fromm because its like they put the burden onto them for something the company is responsible for. they did this with the ‘ranking members by objekt sales’ thing too


My personal take on the 24 dance is it doesn't really bother me as long as the moves weren't forced on them, which we know they weren't and Hyerin confirmed that. If the members were comfortable then I don't really see any issues. Most of the moves were SUPER tame in comparison to some stuff we see in the industry anyways. I appreciate WAV concerns it just sometimes feels like the line between protecting the girls and controlling the girls is getting thinner every day. Protection at the expense of the girls creative freedom and enjoyment of the stage isn't protection. You could tell Hyerin was kinda hurt when she was getting comments on fromm.


Ahhh don't remind of the whole ranking the members by objekts sales 😼‍💹