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MARX BROS!! Need I say more? 😁 



Eric Janssen

“Marx Brothers…Need I say more”? Normally the title would be nice, but we assume you’re down to Monkey Business by now… Of the remaining ones, “Room Service” was their attempt to adapt someone else’s hit play, and it didn’t quite fit. “Go West” and A Night in Casablanca” are okay, but you can see why Groucho decided they needed to retire after that one, and they still had “The Big Store” on their contracts, to go through the motions first.

Louis Marzullo

Lol, was wondering what happened to film titles this week. Had no idea what that last one was. Thought it was a Breakfast Club sequel at first 😱 Dawn Marie will complete the proceedings with Love Happy because the Brothers always make her happy & I'm glad about that 🤓

jeff hamilton

I think they only did "A Night In Casablanca" because Chico needed the money. "Room Service" was very dissapointing. Did not seem like a Marx Brothers movie. Wasn't thrilled with "Go West". "Monkey Business", "A Night In Casablanca" and even "The Big Store" were enjoyable to me anyway.

Eric Janssen

No, “Love Happy” was to pay off Chico’s gambling debts. Groucho recalled shooting the hotel-room climax of Casablanca and asking Chico “Why are we still doing this?”, and they publicly announced their retirement in the trailer for The Big Store.