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Movie Run Time: 1:23:32

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Thank you Wayne for picking this movie, it was just what I needed on the day 😊 Also, reminds me I need to get back to watching some Charlie Chaplin!




Woody Allen has often stated how much he loves and is influenced by Charlie Chaplin. As a performer, writer, and director. As Chaplin wrote and directed all his own films and Allen wrote and directed all his films as well. Also why all the women fancy him in his movies. Because Allen is writing them. LOL. Recommendation for your next Chaplin movie. “The Gold Rush” (1925) And yes, while many depictions of the future show everything in a sterile white, you really haven’t dug that deeply into science fiction on your channel. Most real science fiction movies depictions of the future aren’t so clean and white. Highly recommend the science fiction film “Blade Runner” (The Final Cut) And the Final Cut is the one to go with for this film. Blade Runner is the future movie you’re looking for Dawn.

Michael Hartsell

Woody Allen married his adopted daughter 15yrs old when he was 50yrs old. He was the very first Hollywood pedophile. You could not pay me to watch a Woody Allen movie.

Michael Hartsell

This was Dawn's way of waterboarding all of us to death, in a round-about way of saying she didn't really care for this movie. Any time a movie does not get BEST MOVIE EVER means it sucked. I agree all Woody Allen movies suck.

Wayne Kryka

You did say my name correctly. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the movie.


Hi Dawn, I caught your YT reaction to this. I think more Chaplin would be excellent; however, if you watch The Gold Rush, please make sure you pick the right version. On Amazon the title of the video should be "The Gold Rush (1925)". This is the restored version with Chaplin's original music, title cards, and cleaned up video. Here's a direct link: https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Rush-Charles-Chaplin/dp/B00CJ35GZA/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=gold+rush+chaplin+1925&qid=1697755239&s=instant-video&sr=1-2 The other versions without 1925 in the title have an inferior piano or synthesizer score which is much more boring than the original music which uses a full orchestra. The Gold Rush is my favorite Chaplin film (tied with City Lights), so it would be a shame for you or the patrons to watch an inferior version.


The full film is also available on YT, but I wouldn't want you to get a strike for using it in your reaction (there's a watermark in the corner). But maybe you could send patrons this link for a watch-along. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq_frZc-NxE

Edward Olson

Soon-Yi Previn was 1) NOT Woody Allen's adopted daughter, or any relation by marriage or otherwise. She was the adopted daughter of Andre Previn and Mia Farrow. (Allen did adopt Mia's other biological children, and had a son with her. ) 2) In fact 21 years of age when she began her relationship with Allen, and 27 when they were married. And before you start in on the disproven child abuse claim by Farrow after discovering that Allen had cheated on her, understand that Allen was investigated for MONTHS by detectives who specialized in child abuse claims, whose PROFESSIONAL opinion, after interviewing (many times over many months) Allen, Farrow, others with inside contacts, as well as the child (not Soon-Yi BTW) was that the abuse NEVER HAPPENED and that the child was coached by her mother. Unfortunately, the child was so young the the circumstances (and no doubt her mother's continued storytelling) seems to have caused her to really believe it herself now. Allen's son Ronan (born Satchel Ronan Allen with Mia) who was about 5 at the time and was too young to be aware of anything to refute it, also believed his mother's apparent lies and built a sort of career off it as a pseudo-journalist. Mia's son Moses WAS old enough to remember the time frame in question and stated uncategorically that the abuse never happened. During the Me-too era, everyone seemed to just jump on the bandwagon of believing the revived story (25 years after the investigators announcing that not only was there was no evidence to back up Farrow's claim and actual evidence to disprove it). Woody Allen was a victim of a scorned woman -- Farrow. In terms of Hollywood abusers of underage girls, I couldn't say who the first was but look no further than Roman Polanski, who admitted to raping a 13 year old girl and fled the U.S. when faced with a long prison term. He was later accused of raping a 15 year old and 10 year old. If you want to vilify someone, start there.