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Movie Run Time: 1:58:31

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Anyone ever wonder what human flesh tastes like? Or is it just me 🤪




Wow! Two movies in a row where you didn’t hate the female lead?! You’re turning into a big ole softie Dawn. So this movie and its story is fiction, however, it is inspired by a real life serial killer named Ed Gein. Ed Gein lived on a farm by himself where he murdered women and skinned them so he could dress in their skins. This serial killer also inspired two other classic horror films that I won’t reveal now as to not spoil those movies when you eventually watch them. Though also inspired by Ed Gein, both those other two movies are very different than Lambs as well as from each other. None of the three films are direct adaptations of Ed Gein or his life. He did inspire them though so there are certain elements of his life and crimes at play. Jodi Foster who played the FBI rookie Clarice won the Oscar for best actress for this. And Anthony Hopkins won the Oscar for best actor for this film for his portrayal of Hannibal. Anthony Hopkins is a very well respected actor who’s starred in many classic films and roles. Another classic Anthony Hopkins film to see “The Elephant Man” (1980) This film is based on a true story It is a powerful film and Hopkins is brilliant in it!


2nd Elephant Man is a powerful film and would be ideal to react to.

Robert Inman

Dawn, Sir Anthony is a Welshman who was knighted in 1993 by Queen Elizabeth. Very well known on stage and screen. He reprises the Hannibal character in the sequel "Hannibal", though Clarisse is played by Julianne Moore. He was also Odin for the Marvel Thor movies.


I don't know why specific titles are eluding me atm but both Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins have had LONG movie careers. Foster has never been a favorite of mine but I love this one. Hopkins is an extremely versatile actor and like I said I WISH I could think of some other titles. Okay Google is my friend, lol, so you can do that or I can and get back to you. Love your reaction Dawn! *kisses*!! EDIT: How in Hell did I forget he played ODIN? lol EDIT #2: and I knew the others would suggest specifics.


"Red Dragon" (2002) is a prequel to "Silence..." and "Hannibal" (2001) is the followup to "Silence...", both with Sir Anthony Hopkins reprising his role as the infamous psychiatrist. Neither film are as generally well-liked as "Silence..." but there are things about both of them that I found worth watching. Jodie Foster does not play Clarice Starling in either film. Sir Anthony is also known for a 1930s period piece shot in England, "The Remains of the Day", playing a butler who takes great pride in his work to the point where his personal life suffers.

Eric Bonham

So, from what I've gathered, you like Hannibal Lecter, Darth Vader, and Sergeant Hartman. Interesting.

Michael Lynch

Anthony Hopkins is an incredible actor. A couple of other good ones with him are the edge and meet Joe Black.

Jordan Love

Ok, so the 1st book in the series is called Red Dragon and it was made into a movie called Manhunter (1986) that came out years before Silence (which is book 2) but nobody really noticed and it has a completely different cast. Hannibal (2001) is based on the 3rd book and is not as good but worth watching. They recast Clarice. Then they remade the 1st book as Red Dragon (2002) as a prequel film with Anthony Hopkins this time. Imo you should watch what you want to watch. The other movies in the series are worth watching, even if they aren't as well loved. I've been watching certain reactors for some time (not naming names) and now they've burned through all the most popular things what they're watching now is of zero interest to me. I would much rather watch you exploring movies that interest you for one reason or another and stretch out the popular stuff. It's all about pacing and variety.


'Red Dragon' is the prequel and 'Hannibal' is the sequel, both staring Anthony Hopkins and both great films imho. Great reaction Dawn to one of my favourite movies. I am off now to have extra rare lamb chops 😊

Michael Hartsell

The Silence of the Lambs is the only Hannibal you need to see, the rest are cheap imitations, plus there are far too many great films out there to pick from. Please move on!