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Episode Run Time: 58:59

You will need your own copy of the show to watch along! 😁

This one kind of felt like a slight breather in the series, with a bit less all out action! What does that mean for the last two episodes!? 🫢



Michael Hartsell

You have definitely seen most of the fighting, still some here and there but most is over. Ep 9 will tear at heartstrings but in a different way. Ep 10 is my favorite and I think might be yours as well. Please stop saying you're sick because all these bleeding hearts around here makes me sick. Sound like a grouchy old man don't I. Yep, that's me!! Great Reaction today by the way.

Robert da Spruce

The reason Lt. Jones looked so much like Tom Hanks is because his name is Colin Hanks. Tom Hanks’ son. And the reason the rest of the guys were so unwelcoming to Webster is because they thought he was milking his injury. While at least three or four of the guys that were shot after Webster. Snuck out of the hospital in order to rejoin the guys. Even though they weren’t fully healed. Including Perconte in this episode. While Webster stayed in the hospital and rehab until he was fully healed. While everyone else was fighting and dying.

George Roybal

Yes that is Tom Hanks son Colin Hanks.


The reason Martin was pissed at Webster is because he was not originally supposed to be on the patrol. He got brought in because of Webster's plan to to get Malarkey replaced by Lt Jones, but because of Jones' lack of experience he was tacked on as a 16th observing member and Martin was roped in to lead it in place of Malarkey.