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Movie Run Time: 1:57:55

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Please tell me I'm not the only one who cried like a baby! 😭




I can’t tell you how happy I am that your first zombie movie was NOT “Shaun of the Dead” And I know the moment this reaction drops on YouTube, the comments will be filled with people telling that you now got to watch “Shaun of the Dead” and “Zombieland” Those are fun movies and worth checking out, but they’re spoofs. They’re comedies. Before you mess around with the spoofs and the parodies, you got to check out some real zombie movies. You got to see the serious classic American zombie movies And as great as “Train to Busan” is, it’s still a foreign zombie movie. The zombie comes from America, actually the zombie comes from Haiti, but the zombie movie comes from America! The essential American classic zombie movies to see that defined the genre. “Night of the Living Dead” (19668) The one that started it all. “Dawn of the Dead” (1978) “Return of the Living Dead” (1985) Once you’ve seen at least these definitive classic zombie movies, then go nuts with the spoofs and parodies that everyone in the YouTube comments will be demanding you see.

Michael Hartsell

I can't tell how happy I will be if this is your last zombie movie. Zombie movies like Halloween are for kids and immature dumb adults, silly and stupid total waste of time.


This is a zombie movie? Didn’t know that. I’m not a zombie aficionado so I’ll leave it to others to give you the zombie movie essentials.


I really like you and your vids I was happy to join up and watch full length vids with you then I see you don't post the vids. No clue why I am on other here and they play the vid. Well wish you all the best have fun but I just wasted 10 bucks on nothing maybe post you must have your own copy. Maybe you did and I missed it like I said I'm not trying to raise hell or anything I like you a lot but lol not paying Netflix price for this when you cant see the movie.

Zack Gallardo

She has to do it this way due to legal reasons. We are meant to play the movie along with her on our own to follow along. I realize other people play that actual movie but this is the way to do it.


That's fine if that's what she has to do. I just don't need to watch someone else watch TV and have to use 2 screens to do it and sync it then try 2 watch 2 screens at one time. I love he vids and would love to watch but I watch people from many different countries and very very few still do this. Some link a thing called sync and it takes you from patreon to sync were you don't need your on copy. Again not bitching just disapointed. Wish her the very best.