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Episode Run Time: 55:42

You will need your own copy of the show to watch along! 😁

I don't know if I'm ready for the next episode 🫣



Roger Freeman

Episodes 2, 6, and 7 are my favorites. Can't pick just one. There are some real hard to watch episodes ahead.


Love your reactions to these, Dawn. My *strong* recommendation is to watch the next two on the same day, even if you don't post #7 on the same day as #6. SS: Schutzstaffel (SHOOT-staff-el) translates to "Protection Squadron". were kind of the worst of the Nazis in the opinions of many. It began as a small paramilitary group into one of the most powerful German factions during the war. Two main groups either enforced the racial policies of Nazi Germany (general SS) or were combat troops like Easy Company encountered (Armed SS or Waffen SS). A third group (SS-TV or "Death's-Head Units") ran the concentration and death camps. That's an overview and paraphrasing from Wiki. IDK if I have a "favorite" episode, but I think #9 may be the most important one.

Ian Forbes

If I had to choose a favorite, I think I would choose #10 for the closure and how great it was to find out the identities of the soldiers who have been talking at the beginning of the episodes. But every episode is superb in its own way. Americans use flashlight instead of torch. For us, a torch is specific for actual fire being held aloft, not something mechanical. Also, Dawn I probably already said this in prior comments but you should make sure to watch the “11th” episode, a documentary called We Stand Alone Together since your favorite bit is the men giving their firsthand accounts. The documentary blends those accounts with actual footage from the war to tell the story of Easy and after watching the 10 episodes, everything connects and deepens so beautifully.


make sure you watch we stand alone together it is all them talking, it is the real ending.

Michael Hartsell

My favorite episodes are 6, 7 & 10. I believe you will cry after episode 10 from frustration that it's over and at the same feel completely satisfied to have gotten to know these truly great WWII heros.

Jimmy Walker

For me the next episode (#6) is the roughest to watch. It really pulled me into the story and made me feel like I was in it with them. Because it is so well written it is also my favorite episode.

Robert da Spruce

All the explosions hitting the SS were coming from artillery. Which are large caliber guns usually located miles away from the front lines. The soldiers with Winters call in coordinates on the radio. Telling the artillery where to fire. Also, in episode 2 (Day of Days), the 4 guns Winters and his men took out and destroyed with TNT were German artillery guns. They were firing on the beach where the Allied forces were landing in Normandy. Even though they were miles from the beach itself.


Most people that watch the coming episodes already have a basic understanding of what happened at Bastogne as part of the German Ardennes offensive (aka Battle of the Bulge). You might want to read up on it a little before taking on the next few episodes. This Crossroads episode was a chance to catch your breath before the episodes to come.