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Episode Run Time: 42:28

You will need your own copy of the show to watch along! 😁





These peeps need to STOP with the "Alien and Firefly are in the same 'universe'" stuff!! To me they are NOT. Alien and Predator? yes! Alien, Predator and Blade Runner? IDK but sure, why not! But please, NOT Firefly. For one thing I don't think the timelines work well together. Another thing is that in Firefly canon it is at least implied that the 'Verse (the 5 clustered star-systems that *most* of humanity settled after leaving Earth-That-Was) is the only place outside our Solar system humanity has actually travelled to as yet. Lastly... I DON'T WANT THEM IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS ALIEN AND PREDATOR!! The one-and-only 'nod' to the Alien universe in Firefly is in Ep1 'Serenity', when Mal looks thru the sights of the cannon he fires at an Alliance ship, hitting it. There is what looks like a Weyland-Yutani logo/symbol at the top center of the display (pause or you may miss it). But this doesn't actually HAVE to be Weyland-Yutani ('The Company' referred to in 'Alien' movies). It was just a whim of Joss Whedon's to throw that in. In the Firefly 'Verse, 'The Company' that controls most everything is BLUE SUN. Look, especially in ep1, and BLUE SUN logos are everywhere. Whether they work for the government or they control the government, it's pretty clear BLUE SUN is responsible for the experiments on River. The two "Hands of Blue" creeps are Blue Sun, not Alliance, per se. Where I say "*most* of humanity" above, it is because I assume that not everyone left Earth-That-Was to travel to the 'Verse. I have to believe a small part of the population stayed behind to try and rebuild. I haven't yet read (nor even ordered) the comics "Firefly: Return to Earth-That-Was" but since they exist, and they star our favorite crew, I can only assume they find people still living there. Beyond that I am shrugging and rolling my eyes as well, because it takes a LONG time to get between the 'Verse and the cradle of humanity! They used generational ships (or cold-sleep) to get to the 'Verse because they DON'T HAVE warp drive! Now I've gone and written another novella so everyone roll your eyes at me, lol. As always, I love your reaction. Many kisses back! ;* ;* ;* ;* <3

Robert Inman

Many people posit theories why Inara chose to leave the core and travel about - even Nandy didn't know why, but she was clear that Inara didn't like complications. Perhaps she thinks engaging seriously with Mal is too complicated.