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A new week with a fresh serving of reactions 😁 The only one I've watched so far is the episode of Firefly. I've still got to watch 'At the Circus' and 'American Sniper' (it's been a bit of a mad house this past week with joiners and painters coming and going), so, no spoilers for those two movies please 😊

Who's excited for more Marx Brothers? 🙋🏼‍♀️ I know a lot of you have been asking for 'Animal Crackers' and 'The Cocoanuts', but I just can't find them anywhere to watch here in the UK 😩



Louis Marzullo

To help us all recover from Marx bros. withdrawal after At The Circus, please segue right to Laurel & Hardy, Mae West & W.C. Fields. You'll love them every bit as much as the bros!

Mike McLaughlin

I stay a patron because you like the Marx Brothers. A group of fun comedy movies starred Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. They were known as their 'Road Pictures'. In rated order: Road To Morocco, Road To Utopia, Road To Zanzibar, Road To Rio, Road To Singapore, Road To Bali, Road To Hong Kong. Made between 1940 - 1960. These might be worth a look. If you try one, Road To Morocco would be the best bet.