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Episode Run Time: 42:50

You will need your own copy of the show to watch along! 😁

JAYNE! How could you! Disappointed! 😠



Jon Freezin-Rain

It has occurred to me no one cares about the small details and contrary to common usage but>>> The Staff of Aesculapius is a rough-hewn branch representing plants and growth entwined by a single snake. Aesculapius was known as the god of medicine. Hermes (Mercury) was the messenger of the gods and known for carrying a staff known as the Caduceus. The caduceus included two snakes topped off with a set of wings. The Caduceus is from the Greek root meaning “herald’s wand” and was a badge of diplomatic ambassadors associated with commerce, eloquence, alchemy, thievery, and lying


There are some absoultely cracking episodes coming up Dawn