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Movie Run Time: 2:23:15

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Again so many questions 🤣 these movies are my education now!



Rick DeBaan

OK, this might be of interest to you. It's a bit of a rabbit hole. There is a site on the internet - archive.org. This site holds a lot of information about what used to be on the internet. It happens to contain quite a few comic books in digital form, PDF and CBZ (zipped comic book). Here is link to the first Superman comics (can be downloaded on right side or read online.) https://archive.org/details/action-comics-collection-1930s-1940s/Action%20Comics%20001%20%281938%29%20%28Digital%29%20%28Shadowcat-Empire%29/

Adam B

I would watch Superman 2 (1981) next, it was filmed to be a sort of two parter to this film. In fact a lot of it was filmed at the same time as this one. Anyway, the comics are always changing things but for the most part the S is the family crest for Superman’s family, the house of El, that’s why his dad had the same symbol and the blanket he was wrapped in (which is what his cape is made of) has it. The identity thing, in some of the modern comics they show him studying acting in high school to lear to completely change his demeanor, posture, voice pitch. Also some comics explain that most people assume Superman doesn’t even have a secret identity because why would you want to be normal if you can be Superman. Also the time travel thing is just from this movie not from any of the comics.


So yes, move right into Superman 2 I know with this first one you questioned whether you should watch the theatrical or special edition. Good call going with theatrical for this. But for Superman 2, a lot of that movie was shot while they were shooting this movie. There were creative differences between the director and producers. The reason this movie is special is because of its director Richard Donner. So for Superman 2 I’d say go with the Richard Donner Directors Cut. After Superman 2, you can take a break from this series. After 2, the movies aren’t as good. I’d suggest moving onto the 1989 Tim Burton Batman.

Patrick Flanagan

If you're going to do SUPERMAN II, avoid what is called "the Richard Donner Cut." It claims to be a restored version of what the original director wanted but really is just a huge mess. The theatrical version is what you should watch in my opinion.

David Patterson

Superman II is a must, and I vote for theatrical version. Perry White calling Kent a "mild mannered reporter" and Superman's purpose of upholding "truth, justice, and the American way" are callbacks to the title sequence of the George Reeves TV series: https://youtu.be/Q2l4bz1FT8U


Crying shame Margot Kidder (Lois Lane) committed suicide, brilliant actress and a beautiful lady. Great reaction Dawn to a great film. I hope you watch the sequels, they are all pretty good


Now that you've seen Christopher Reeve, go watch him in Somewhere in Time with Jane Seymour where a man goes to great lengths to find true love.


FYI, in the extended version with all the deleted scenes, you find out that the little girl on the train watching Clark run is Lois Lane.

Casey Fairley

Dawn, My apologies for the deleted posts, I tried to break up the sheer size of this post a few times to make it an easier read. What's posted is the best I could do. :)

Casey Fairley

A MASTER cut of both versions, together is actual the bottom line. No one will ever do that tho, so watching both is best but the theatrical is the best done despite the story not being the best in all ways. The director's cut is closest to the original script for Superman 1 & 2 from 1978, but it's only what could be cobbled together almost 30 years later, I believe.

Casey Fairley

Dawn, I'll answer your Superman questions as best as I can. I saw Superman in theaters in 1978 as a kid. I know it well. Krypton, Superman's world is fictional. But Krypton is a REAL element on the periodic table scientists still use. Superman cannot sense danger or read minds. But he can hear & see almost everything on Earth. He just has to focus on it. Kryptonite is radioactive debris from his home world. Only radiation from Kryptonian debris from a RED sun can hurt him. Not ours from our yellow sun which gives him all his powers. So why couldn't Superman catch the 1st missile faster? Well, whenever he's poisoned by Kryptonite, it not only slowly kills him but it weakens him to almost being helpless. He had that necklace Lex put on him too long. It took some time to regain his full strength after the Kryptonite was gone when he was in the sun again. After he turned back time to save Lois's life, Superman knew his new top speeds. Combine KNOWING where all the accidents would happen before they did & that speed, he could take care of all the situations faster the 2nd time because he knew exactly where & when they occurred. So they became easy for him.

Casey Fairley

Oh yeah, his symbol... All the house's of Krypton have emblems, which are like flags we have for our countries. Superman's "S" isn't a "S" in his native language. It is the crest of his family & that's it. The House of Jor-El. Superman's Kryptonian name is Kal-El. Superman's suit came from Krypton fabrics that were recovered from his ship by his parents. The green crystal was the MOST important crystal in Superman's ship. It made the Fortress of Solitude from ice on Earth when Clark threw it into the ice of the North pole. No, Supes is not harmed by cold, heat, etc but he can feel them. Superman lives off of Yellow sun solar rays & doesn't actually survive from eating. He doesn't even need to eat actually. That's how he grew up in his capsule with no food. The stars he passed sustained & feed his body. Different sun colors have different effects on him so Jor-El would've plotted a course to Earth that was safe for him. Yes, he can shoot red lasers from his eyes.

Casey Fairley

Supergirl's history & origin are more complicated. She has ALL the exact same powers as Superman & is his cousin. She also left Krypton BEFORE Superman did. The rest of her history beyond those facts keeps getting changed around. I don't know what the other details are now.

Casey Fairley

Superman is one of many favorites I read comics about as a kid. I love this movie & it's story & soundtrack! Enjoyed watching your reactions dearly! You are a woman who clearly appreciates life, happiness, positivity & joy! Cheers! :)

Lee Pitman

Great reaction. I have always been Team Batman myself. I prefer the characters that have no superpowers or mutations such as Batman, The Punisher and Iron Man. To obtain the musculature to convincingly play Superman, Christopher Reeve underwent a bodybuilding regime supervised by David Prowse, the man who played Darth Vader in the original "Star Wars" trilogy. Lex Luthor was played by Gene Hackman who has always been one of my favourite actors. Clint Eastwood was offered the role of Superman but turned it down because he was too busy.