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Movie Run Time: 2:17:06

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

He never said I'll be back at the end 😭 Guess what part I missed because I had my eyes covered 👍🏼🤦🏼‍♀️



Dexter Lake

Watching at 12:31 in the morning.


You missed the 👍. Arnold is a fan of guns n' roses

Eric Bonham

I lived not too far away from that building when they blew it up. I didn't get to see it, though.


fun fact, when the terminater copied sarah conner and you saw 2 sarah connor's on screen, it was actually Linda Hamiton's (sarah conner) twin sister who unfortunateley passed away a few years ago. T3 is a good film, but not a classic like the the 2 previous films

Henry Fuller

I remember seeing this in the theater. The line for tickets at the Palace over 3 city blocks long. It was packed. I was 12.

Dexter Lake

She is also in the deleted scenes mimicking her in the mirror. The police office who dies, that is also his twin

Henry Fuller

That theater doesn't show movies anymore. Just community plays and stuff.


Terminator 3 is criminally underrated and a great watch. amazing ending. The rest are crap.

Lee Pitman

Superb reaction to a great movie. The Blu-ray Skynet Edition (which you own) contains 3 versions of the movie, the Standard Theatrical Version (which you reacted to), the Director’s Cut (which is my favourite) and the Ultimate Cut. Michael Biehn (who played Kyle Reese in the first movie) was the first choice for the role of the T-1000, in a complete reversal of roles with Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was now a hero. However, this idea was abandoned as it was judged too confusing for viewers. Most of Edward Furlong's voice had to be re-dubbed by Furlong again in post-production, because it changed during shooting. His young voice is left intact only in the scene where he and the Terminator are talking about why people cry, because James Cameron wanted it to sound dramatic and thought the original audio was better. The Terminators seen at the beginning of the movie were fully workable animatronic models. The steel mill effects were so convincing, some former workers from the plant (which had been closed for over ten years) thought it was up and running again. Janelle Voight (John’s foster mother) was played by Jenette Goldstein who also played badass Private Vasquez in Aliens (1986). The other sequels are not as good (like most sequels) but are still entertaining to watch (in my opinion, although I have not yet watched Dark Fate).

Carlos Perez

"The Hoover Dyson??!" 😂😂