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Movie Run Time: 1:49:14

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Yet another banger from the Marx Brothers 🤣 I think this is the most chaotic one yet.



Retro Maven

My goodness Dawn, its been over 3 months since your last Marx Brothers movie! Surely you must miss the boys by now! I hope you can work some more into your rotation soon, your fans really enjoy you watching them!!

Jeremy Vickers

Oh my God! First off let me tell you how much I needed this today! Let’s just say I needed this a lot. It’s one of my favorites and above about to start I saw your intro and noticed the book you got for Christmas… that happens to be my favorite book of all time I worn out three copies of it whenever I go traveling I take a copy of that book with me and it is truly brilliant every letter has his brand of humor in it he was a avid letter writer he wrote to everyone so there’s celebrities there’s magazines there’s people he liked people he didn’t like his brothers he wrote to everyone it’s brilliant and I’m so glad you’re getting a chance to read it! If you have a little time to do anything else you can always read one letter and feel amazing about it. I read all of his books and I’ve gone through most of my adult life feeling so connected to a man I’ll never meet and yet I feel like he has played such a massive part in my life. There is one more letter book that was written by his daughter who collected all the letters he wrote to her and she wrote to him. That one’s good too because he speaks with her with the same humor he speaks with in the movies then. Just fantastic.

David Patterson

When they fell off into the water, the horses got covered in mud and the jockeys got on the wrong ones. Stuffy was on Skee Ball when he crossed the finish line. I recommend 'Animal Crackers' 1930. It has some of the best Groucho/Margaret Dumont moments and my favorite of Chico's piano performances. I remember, a few days after 9/11, Turner Classic Movies had a Marx Bros. marathon. I was hanging out with some friends, who had been watching nothing but news since that fateful day. I changed the channel to TCM, and we laughed until we cried. It was much needed relief.


I very nearly cried when I saw my little Groucho book under the tree, it was the perfect gift! I'll have to find his daughters one 😁 I just googled Groucho Marx daughter and a picture popped up with him and Miriam (I think) ahhh I'm feeling very emotional just now! 😂😭


I realised this as I was editing but it took me longer than I care to admit 😂 Aww that's lovely! And amazing that after such a horrific event the Marx Bros. were there to turn to. It must have been fate!

David Patterson

"You can never go wrong when you're a Marxist."- Robin Williams as 'Patch Adams' (1998)