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Sorry for the slight delay, technical issues again. 

Part 2 of 'The Two Towers' is here now. Hope you enjoy 😁



resinmonkey .

In the beginning of the first movie we saw Sauron was defeated, not destroyed. It has taken him all the time since then to reconstitute himself and his forces to be strong enough to attack again. But he is still missing a large part of his being, the one ring. This is why he returns now but is only an eye at the top of his tower and why the ring has awakened.

resinmonkey .

https://www.youtube.com/@tolkienuntangled https://www.youtube.com/@LikeStoriesofOld https://www.youtube.com/c/indeepgeek https://www.youtube.com/c/MenoftheWest Here are four YT channels that can give you bite sized pieces of LOTR. Character backgrounds, kingdom histories, what happened before and after the LOTR, why did things happen the way they did. They are nice and concise if you don't plan to read the books. I would wait until after you've seen the third movie to avoid spoilers.