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Movie Run Time: 1:36:26

You will need your own copy of the show to watch along! 😁

Film-mas Day 1 in the bag. Such a beautiful movie 🥰



Eric Bonham

I don't know what to say. Although I knew the story, I've never actually seen the movie before. I haven't had a great track record watching movies for the first time along with you. So far I don't think I've really liked any of them. Glad to say that's finally changed. The movie certainly lived up to its reputation. (Did you notice I didn't say definitely?) I think finding out what you have in store every day is going to be as much fun as watching along.

David Patterson

You kept asking if he can't just disappear or call his reindeer. The movie doesn't definitively tell us that he is really Santa, and so is open to interpretation. Both interpretations are just as enjoyable but each has its own set of meanings and questions. Your questions accompany the 'real Santa' view, Where as the 'man with a Santa complex' view leads one to ask things like, 'How many languages other than dutch has he learned?' It wasn't until the mid 80's that things like abduction became mainstream issues. Growing up, our doors were never locked. We could visit our neighbors unannounced with little consequence. We would play outdoors for hours, often wandering far from home. As long as we were home when the street lights came on, there was little concern. If we got lost, it was no big deal to knock on a stranger's door to ask for help. It really was a different time.


Different time yes! My granny told me stories of leaving her babies outside a shop while she went in for her bits and bobs. If someone was walking past and heard the baby crying they would shake the buggy til the baby went back to sleep. I found it so bizarre but she swore it was normal back then 😲