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Movie Run Time: 2:13:39

You will need your own copy of the show to watch along! 😁

I'm still not over this movie 😭



Lee Pitman

I had this on DVD years ago but unfortunately, the disc was faulty and wouldn’t play after 15 minutes so that is all I have seen. I acquired the movie on Blu-Ray many months ago but haven’t gotten around to watching it yet. Watching it for the first time with you will be awesome. I will try and watch it tomorrow, I am having some medical issues today.

Rick DeBaan

First time I've done a view along. It was nice. I've developed some bad viewing habits I realized with this movie. Since I've seen most movies, including this one couple times, I tend to skip through bits I don't like or a bit slow. First time in a long time watching all the way through without skipping. Movies are long. :-)

Lee Pitman

I'm having some problems and have to go into hospital on Monday. Can't really concentrate on movies and reactions at the moment, sorry.

Lee Pitman

I was right, watching this movie for the first time with you was awesome. I did not know the movie ended that way 😢. You immediately recognized Scatman Crothers who also appeared as Dick Hallorann in The Shining 👍. The film was the second to win all five major Academy Awards (Best Picture, Actor in Lead Role, Actress in Lead Role, Director, and Screenplay) following It Happened One Night in 1934, an accomplishment not repeated until 1991 with The Silence of the Lambs. It also won numerous Golden Globe and BAFTA Awards. Work Farms were where convicted felons were forced to do hard labor. Many convicts would fake illness (both physical and mental) to avoid the work, some would even inflict actual physical harm to themselves to avoid it. Electroshock or Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was very common back then and was forced upon patients. It is still used today. In the UK in 1980 around 50,000 people would receive ECT annually. The number has been steadily declining since then. The UK Mental Health Act 2007 allows people to be treated against their will but the law has extra protections regarding ECT. A patient capable of making the decision can decline the treatment, and in that case, treatment cannot be given unless it will save that patient's life or is immediately necessary to prevent deterioration of the patient's condition. ECT has always been controversial and often considered barbaric. Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, and Vincent Schiavelli all play inmates of the asylum. All three ended up as villains in Tim Burton's Batman films: Nicholson was the Joker in Batman (1989), DeVito and Schiavelli were the Penguin and the Organ Grinder, respectively, in Batman Returns (1992). Louise Fletcher was so disturbed by her own performance as Nurse Ratched that she couldn't watch the film for years. The movie features the acting debuts of Christopher Lloyd and Brad Dourif, both of whom would go on to have very successful acting careers. I’m sure you will see more of them in future reactions. Terrific reaction Dawn. I need a good laugh now. Spaceballs next 😁🥰


Aww glad you enjoyed it and yeah the ending was hard 😥 Ah so it was him! Nobody has said yet so glad you've confirmed for me 😂 I don't know enough about ECT but to me, yes, it seems barbaric. I just can't believe it's a thing and I never knew about it! Thank you again for your comment! It's lovely to hear from you ♥

Lee Pitman

This movie was very hard for me. After my accident, I didn't want to live a life as a disabled/disfigured person and wanted to die. I had to have mental health care for quite a while and still suffer bouts of serious depression. One-on-one care is most definitely better than having to talk in a group with people who all have different problems.


I really hope you had and are still receiving the care that you need. I can't imagine what you've had to go through ❤ Mental health is often forgotten about or deliberately ignored and I've witnessed first hand what that can do to someone. Sending lots of hugs to you!