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I need to give you guys a massive apology for being so quiet on here. It's not been for a lack of trying I promise! I seem to be having the worst luck with copyright issues 😔

The videos I have I will manage to upload at some point but they must need some more tweaking. I will upload as soon as I can! Let me know if you have any ideas that I might be missing. 

I really hope you all had a great Christmas ❤ lots of love!



Dan Cornyn

I was worried about your health.. So glad to hear you're ok. Everything else is small in comparison.

Elliot Nesterman

Merry Christmas! Regarding copyright blocks, many reactors seem to get around them by muting the sound of the movie when the music is prominent.

Ken - Kendo161

Ditto, no worries Dawn your missed but we understand, most of the issues I've heard about are usually related to Music or soundtracks.