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The Thing. I absolutely LOVED The Thing! 

For those of you who have seen it, what do you think about the ending? What do you think happened? Were they both still human?

Let me know what you think.



Casey Fairley

Yes, I think they were human! Immediate quarantine them both upon rescue. Mandatory! Also, get the military to bomb the entire site utterly into a giant crater. Everything within 500 miles should be burned & the area should be closed off until its done. Extreme but smart, IMO. Once the two guys clear future tests clean, I'd hope they'd get back to their lives. Biggest question would be, was all traces of the thing destroyed after all that? Another damn cliff hanger ending STILL but a MUCH more satisfying & safer feeling one.


I’d like to think they lived happily ever after. Dogs found them and kept them warm until the rescue team arrived with hot chocolate. Childs was the thing but he became a friendly thing. A lover not a killer 😂