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Honestly, still laughing at the falling out the window scene 🤣 Brilliant stuff!



D Scott Howard

W. C. was known as the world's greatest juggler before making movies. He traveled the world as "The Eccentric Juggler". You will see an example if you watch "The Old Fashioned Way". If you watch the credits of his movies, he always made up funny names for the "screenwriter" which was always himself. This movie credits Mahatma Kane Jeeves which is a play on words of "My hat, my cane, Jeeves" (a request of a butler). Also Otis Criblecoblis, S. Quentin Quale and Charles Bogle. When he died he reportedly had dozens of bank accounts around the world under these kinds of phony names. "It's A Gift" is another classic Field's movie. Lastly it is interesting that the role of The Wizard of Oz was written specifically for Fields, but he wanted too much money so they got Frank Morgan instead. But if you listen to the Wizards lines you can imagine W.C. saying them in his inimitable style.

Louis Marzullo

A newspaper reporter supposedly visited Fields on his deathbed & found him reading the Bible. "Bill!" the reporter exclaimed. "Have you gotten religion??" Fields replied "No, just looking for loopholes" 😂🤣😂