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Movie Run Time: 2:04:45

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Warning: You may want to adjust your volume for this one 😅 I got rather excited a lot!



David Bennett

To your query about 'salt acid', Hydrochloric acid IS, in fact, a real thing. Present day uses include pickling steel during the forging process to remove rust OR iron oxide. The flesh beetles are scarabs and the filmmakers woefully misrepresented them. They ONLY consume dead flesh, not living. The filmmakers played it fast and loose with real history on this one: Seti the first died in 1279, so Imhotep murdering him in 1290? Pretty much impossible. (another problem from the historical perspective? Imhotep lived about 1400 YEARS before Seti the first....) The idea that an egyptian curse would directly invoke the plagues described in the book of Exodus in the Christian bible is rather problematic, since scholarship cannot agree on when the exodus (if it ever truly happened) took place, and what pharaoh would have been the antagonist is highly debated. The mostly commonly accepted idea is that Ramsees the second IS the pharaoh of the exodus. The problem with this, in terms of this film, is that Seti was Ramsees II’s FATHER and thus the curse would have been concocted BEFORE said plagues ever transpired. Anck-su-namun was a princess, daughter of Pharaoh Ankhenaten and Queen Nefertiti, and would go on to marry Tutankhamun, which would also put HER presence outside the timeline given in the film, having been born in 1348 and died in 1322, some 32 years before the events portrayed in the film that got Imhotep sealed away as a juicy mummy.

Casey Fairley

Few film re-makes from purely horror franchise's match the heart of The MuMmy 1 & 2. Making their own mythology "inspired" by events & characters from history was a very nice touch. Combined with an epically told story line, actors & VFX it all just feels more real when watching it. A dark franchise made touching where even the villains have heart breaking stories. Rick & Evelyn were the perfect pair on screen. The eventual exploration & comparison of their relationship vs the totally fictional Imhotep & An ck-su-namun pairing made for GREAT cinema I still love to this day & always will. You missed a few minor touching moments, Dawn. I hope you re-watch this someday & catch everything worth re-seeing. :)