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Episode Run Times:

E7 Bullock Returns to Camp: 49:36

E8 Suffer the Little Children: 55:39

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

This is all so dramatic... and I like it 😁




Really enjoying your reaction to this series great job. Al thought he was fooling the New York dude to buy a worthless claim. It turned out that the claim has gold in it and he was trying to buy it back before the Widow knew about it.

Jimmy Walker

The real question is, are you going to visit Deadwood, South Dakota?

Bubba Fett

When the husband got tossed, Al's agent discovered the claim was rich with gold, so al has been trying to buy it back without telling her the truth of it.. Trixie has a level of loyalty for al and despite how he treats her, he does for her. They are just very toxic for each other.

Richard Ricketts

What Bubba said Plus I think tricks that he feels that all she could really ever be as a prostitute And that she deserves al They're definitely in a toxic relationship but al does have feelings for her too