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Movie Run Time: 2:24:49

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁




This film Dawn played a very important role in the history of Hollywood. It was a kind of a marker that signaled the death of old classic Hollywood and a new era. The Wild Bunch was very shocking, radical, and controversial when it came out. You commented on liking the blood effects. Well this was among the first Hollywood films to feature such visceral, graphic, bloody violence. If you think back to John Wayne westerns before this. Where people are shot but you never see any blood. The values were very simple and Hollywood westerns were still largely wholesome adventures that could be enjoyed by the family. The Wild Bunch was not that. It truly was a new era film and for Hollywood post this film. The Wild Bunch routinely makes it onto every list of the top ten westerns of all time.


And Dawn, have you ever played the video game Red Dead Redemption. Parts 1 or 2. Red Dead Redemption is an incredibly detailed and complex open world game. Especially Red Dead 2. Playing that game you feel like you’re living a second life in the old west. Well the Red Dead games have a very in depth lore and world building story that encompasses years. Of course Res Dead Redemption is influenced by the decades of westerns and the many western tropes. Through all the westerns though, Red Dead Redemption was more influenced by this particular western, The Wild Bunch, more so than any other. Many of the story elements and even direct one for one correlation of characters exist in The Wild Bunch to Red Dead Redemption. Red Dead Redemption is an enormous investment of time as it’s such a rich detailed world and story. It is 100% worth it! You may not have the time in your life now Dawn to play it. But perhaps one day when you’re a little old lady on the bus asking another little old lady if she remembers the movie where the guys peepee was melted with acid, perhaps then you’ll have the time to fully dive in and invest yourself in this rich game. You would get lost in the wild west world of Red Dead Dawn, and want to do nothing else!

John Lawton

I distinctly remember a news magazine cover story at the time exploring this new kind of graphic violence in motion pictures. It specifically featured this film plus “Straw Dogs” (which I still have never seen, and is not considered the classic that “The Wild Bunch” is today). I was far too young to have seen either one when they were released. I’m looking forward to seeing Cowgirl Dawn’s reaction later tonight.


I’ve seen Straw Dogs. It’s from the same director as Wild Bunch, Sam Peckinpah. Straw Dogs stars Dustin Hoffman in one of his most powerful roles. It could be argued that Straw Dogs is even more shocking than Wild Bunch was or is. Straw Dogs is a very tough film and not something you watch lightly. I believe it was even banned in the UK when it came out. It’s definitely worth the watch if you love movies and are prepared for what the movie has in store. It is one of Dustin Hoffman’s greatest performances. I understand why the film isn’t talked about or revered as much as The Wild Bunch is or as other movies from the 70s It’s a very tough film. But definitely a powerful and meaningful story that is saying something true about the human condition. I’d rather not spoil any specifics as far as the plot. Straw Dogs is worth seeing though.

Dean J

More William Holden movies you ought to watch:
 Born Yesterday (1950), Sunset Boulevard (1950), The Moon is Blue (1953), Stalag 17 (1953), The Country Girl (1954), Sabrina (1954), Picnic (1955), The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), Breezy (1973), Network (1976)


She watched Sunset Boulevard. You’ll find her reaction here.

Dean J

Oh yeah, I remember that reaction now. I'm surprised she didn't remember William Holden, he was only 19 years older...


He does look very different though. For one thing he went from black and white to color.

John Lawton

More info for Dawn: - The movie’s setting is roughly 1913 (but contains some anachronisms, as many movies err on the side of entertainment value at the expense of historical accuracy). - This is also the period of the Mexican Revolution, which is too broad a subject to describe here in any detail. Two famous leaders (Pancho Villa and Huerta) are mentioned, but only to give American audiences some context. - Yuma is a city in Arizona, and apparently the site of the prison in which Pike served his sentence. The movie title you were trying to remember is “3:10 to Yuma” which is a Western originally made in 1957 (and is excellent) then remade in 2007 (I haven’t seen this one). - Until the telephone was invented, Morse Code over telegraph lines was the only way to communicate electronically. It remained an essential form of communication for decades, particularly for ships at sea via shortwave radio. In fact, my Junior High School offered Morse Code classes when I attended in the late 1960s. - And finally: Yes, there are still many working cowboys in 2024!

Wayne Kryka

Yuma is an infamous territorial prison in Arizona (which can be visited). Pancho Villa was a Mexican Revolutionary General. Emilio Fernández who played General Mapache, is believed to have been the model for the Oscar statuette.

Carlos Perez

The song the villagers were singing when the Wild Bunch left town is "Las Golondrinas" which is a traditional song to say goodbye. The movie takes place between 1913 and 1914, since they talk a out Victoriano Huerta being president of Mexico.