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Poems, notes and thoughts from the book 'she's flowers and fire' by butterflies rising

Wkd 😈🧚‍♀️🔥




I relate to your refraining from commentating because of the feeling of not being able to sufficiently describe or express what you feel about works. I often feel the same. Personally, I have a lot of social anxiety and it can keep me from plenty of conversations or comments even if I want to have or make them. But I think it's equally important to express what we can even if we don't feel it's necessarily entirely what we want to say simply because it is that bridging connection. Especially in the creative space and if one wants to support and see more of certain things. I really enjoyed the glimpse into the backstage so to speak of your content and making it as well as some of your thoughts. Imo; the uniqueness and standing out of both your accent as well as the way you approach content and the space is wonderfully unique. It's that which made me a follower of yours. Admittedly, I would dive into reddit and other spaces to browse new uploads and such when the....shall we say mood struck. But I never followed or stayed up to date on any creator until finding you and your content. I couldn't tell you exactly why. Aside from the obvious of the beginning and enjoying your voice but I have experienced that in other creators sure but what facilitates the returning? Couldn't tell you other than just you're you and do things the way you do and that for whatever multitude resonates. I've rambled for two paragraphs and not even touched the two gorgeous poems you shared as well. I especially need to relisten to the second one. Strikes close to home after hearing the authors note and I need to relisten with that context as well. Forgive my novel of a comment. I probably could have written another one! As you said it's a process and a hard one whether in or out of creative space to go against the ingrained negative or self detracting voices we grow to have but such important work to do of it too. Hope you're well, I'll stop rambling now! PS: Those who do put you on a pedestal would maybe be disappointed by the pulling back of the curtain. I, for one, am a fan of you just being a "girl with a shiny mic" that just happens to know how to wield it and the voice as well :)


Thank you for sharing and you're encouraging words. I'm both humbled and very appreciative of them. I wonder too sometimes, why do people keep coming back? Whatever the reason, this gal with the shiny mic is very grateful, xx


Awwww, I need more wkd rambling! 🥺 My GAWD the poems, “She’s a beautiful wildness on fire” 😩🤌 and oooohhh I love the poet’s notes!