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As the Summer storm season sets in, my poor Bluey runs laps around the house barking at the big dog in the sky.  I love that boy more than words and I wish there was more that I could do for him at these times.  But, he is who he is and I love him all the same.

At this time, I reflect upon the year that was and what I've experienced, what I've gained, what I've lost, what I've learned and what I give thanks for...just to start.

What I've experienced? A few firsts, a few lasts

What I've gained?  Let's be honest, a kilo or two (more to grab)

What I've lost?  Some of my self deprecating responses

What I've learned?  That I am worthy (still a work in progress)

What I give thanks for?  The people, just like you, who support, encourage and inspire me

My greatest take away from this year though, happened only a couple of months ago.  When you are your true and honest self and present and offer yourself without any expectation, you will find contentment.  (There's further explanation of this statement, but you know, TL:DR)

Thank you Beautiful Fae, you keep me going, even at this time of year when I'm longing for air conditioned sleep...

Wkd X



Multichromanix (Cenn)

We are thankful for you as well! You always say that you are just the name on the door here in the wilds but without you having built that door in the first place and maintained its openness for us we would never have this wonderful community we all get to enjoy together. ...Okay that metaphor may have gone off the rail a bit towards the end but still we are all very grateful for you as a person and everything you do <3


Thank you miss wkd… I can’t say this enough :’) reading this post explains why I think you have a unique ability to connect with your audience and touch the hearts and minds of so many people. The vulnerability and trust creates a safe space where we can all feel understood and supported. And this safe space has brought me the most comfort and joy, it matters very much. Keep shining your light, you’ll always deserve and be worthy of having this community of supporters ;) Ain’t no way I’m letting your voice out of my ears X3