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I’m on my way home from my winter wonderland. Two days of driving, negotiating another major capital city and highways with road trains. I’m excited to get home and see Ginny and Bluey 🐾♥️🐾

Whilst away, I did a little writing…a musing from a snow faerie…

Wandering around an Australian Narnia, my connection to the land is heightened. It is beyond any ‘connection’ I’ve experienced with my home town. That, is one of comfort and familiarity and reassurance. But this? This is beyond and grasps my soul while I seek refuge in a warm mug of chai beside a fire place and read over the local history that has been gathered within the binds of a beautiful book.

Today, for the first time in my life I saw a wombat in the Wild. Sadly, it had been struck by a vehicle. Along these alpine roads, I am seeing more native wildlife than I’ve ever seen before. What fortune it would be to see one in the actual *wild*

Wherever you are, take a moment when you can to stop and take it all in.

Wkd 😈🧚‍♀️❄️




Nature is such a beautiful thing. All these colors it offers. All these beautiful sights that are breathtaking, making you wish you could stay in that moment forever. Making you wish you could burn the picture into your mind to keep it forever. No phone picture could do it any justice. And then there are the animals. The Wild free creatures and the big variety of them. All the cute little babies as well. Life. Life is beautiful.

Shane Driscoll

Amazing! Not the wombat part (poor thing) but your travel experience: Amazing!