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Here it is in its first incarnation. You all know that I’m not good at accepting praise and if you haven’t heard it or read it, my default response is ‘I’m just a gal with a shiny mic’. Welp. Now I really do have a shiny mic!

Seriously, thank you to all of you, those who’ve been here since the beginning and those who’ve recently wandered into my Wilds. Just when I thought it was time to switch off my mic, you all rallied and then some.

Here’s to getting in your ears,





Miss Wkd, lol, I am absolutely rubbish at not complimenting when I think it’s deserved. All I can be is sincere, so I apologise in advance. Thank you for being here. For sharing yourself, your space, your time. And everything else that I’m neglecting to say. (I’d be here all day and tomorrow if asked for a detailed list, Lol) Your dedication, your heart, doesn’t go unnoticed, and it most certainly is appreciated, even if the words aren’t always so primly presented. Wishing you every success you could ever dream of and then some. ⛅️