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Once upon a time, there was a girl who wrestled with the societal construct of what ‘beauty’ is. She owned her uniqueness, her one-of-a-kind-ness, and before anyone could comment, pre warned them that she was ‘an acquired taste’.

Upon reflection that was the equivalent of an oxymoron. If ‘owning it’, why the disclaimer?

Because, ultimately a life time belief system of force fed standards, ideals and measures of success wore her down.

Then she entered into an anonymous space of being accepted sight unseen. Being acknowledged and even appreciated for values other than her appearance. And whilst those that she shared the ‘reveal’ with heaped praise and adoration, she still knew that, within her own mind, she was different.

Three years later, she is quietly sharing. Not so scared anymore. Sure, she isn’t what she was 10 years ago. The achievements however, they are still achievements and she is slowly beginning to love her physical self. This self that has accomplished so very much. If only she could tell you all.

But she won’t. Because it’s not about you or your response. It’s a conversation with herself. And perhaps it’s watching a Korean competition on Netflix that makes her realise…she is perfect…for her…




I struggle too. More and more, in fact. Looks are very subjective. On one hand I was thought of as pretty by some. But comments from some closest to me "You're pretty... In your own way" or jibes about physical attributes, diminished any real sense of "beauty". On reflection, I'd say I was okay. Somewhere in the middle of the field. But life battles and ageing have been hard, and I struggle to see any beauty any more. I don't believe people when they say nice things. Because of course it's just a kindness. To me. I say thank you and move along. Thanks for sharing your vulnerability with us. It's brave and a battle that so many share. I personally believe that true beauty lies within. If you don't have a kind heart and inquisitive mind, then you can never be beautiful to me. And those qualities will always supercede any physicalties I encounter. Anyway, I've written an epic. What's new 😆. We love you, as you are. Big hugs from Blighty 😊😊🥰🥰🤗🤗


I can definitely relate to that experience, and many of my artworks in real life are inspired by it. Self-love indeed radiates beauty in every aspect. Your journey reminds me of a Chinese proverb: "宁做有瑕玉,不做无瑕石 - Better to be a flawed diamond than a flawless pebble." Embrace yourself, for you are that exquisite diamond, unique yet profoundly precious. Thank you, as always, for sharing dear wkd. Sending you abundant love and warm hugs. Xx