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hey hey, introduction part two (here's part one) for my new (old) babies~

those three have been feral in my mind the past weeks and i have so many ideas for them 💕their names are Kari, Valentine (Val) and Auryn. Kari and Val are the same wolf species like Fabi and Silas - and Auryn is a fox boy!! I’ll talk a bit more about the different species, races, and creatures of that world in another post.

short version: they’re boyfriends and i’m so happy to finally be able to include a poly relationship in my stories. their dynamic is so nice to explore and i love them all so much, and i hope you will come to like them, too


they’re all part of the same pack Silas and Fabi will find a home in, which consists mostly of misfits. I won’t go too much into detail about the pack yet, but I already wanted to mention it here, because most of the pack members have done things they’re not proud of or had to do to survive etc.

let’s start with Kari !! Kari’s name used to be Yuri (the slavic name). He has been with me just as long as Fabian has, so both of them are two of my oldest characters! He finally finallyyy gets to shine, and to celebrate that I decided to give him a new name. In the story he’s quite confident and he’s going to be the future leader of the misfits pack. He’s outgoing, headstrong, and knows how to lead and fight. He goes on dangerous missions together with Val, to provide for the pack and bring back valuable artifacts or pick up new members. However, he is deeply troubled by his past actions and therefore his confidence is often just a mask. Kari and Val start out by becoming friends and then having a purely physical relationship (and training their fighting skills together), which over time turns into love. But they’re still too scared to become lovers for many reasons. Later Kari and Val find Auryn, who helps them to figure out what they want (they want each other) - and he steals both of their hearts, too.

Val is a quiet man, but when he feels safe around someone he opens up and becomes more talk active and his warm personality shows through. After he gets exiled from his original pack he gets picked up by Kari along the way and joins the pack as a protector. He’s extremely strong and a skilled fighter, however he has trouble controlling his emotions in certain situations and if he gets pushed too far, he might lose control. In the past it was the reason why he didn’t engage in fights - to the point where he didn’t defend himself even when he got injured / bullied / provoked (which is where he got all those scars from). Kari trains with Val to tire him out and to give him an outlet for the anger that has been brewing inside of him. Val also has another interesting trait; he is able to discern 3 different scents/feelings upon meeting someone for the first time and it helps him to know if the person is a threat or not (for example, for Auryn, it was “fear, desperation, and seaweed” … because Auryn had been sleeping next to seaweed the night before they found him)

Auryn is an absolute sunshine, and that’s also what Val calls him. Kari calls him baby. While Kari and Val are quite rough with each other, they’re much gentler with Auryn - and Auryn shows both of them what it means to be vulnerable and that it's okay wanting to protect and be protected by each other. Auryn has lost his family and unfortunately had to survive through hunting and stealing. One day he gets caught stealing food in the city, but Kari and Val are there at the right time, basically scooping him up and running away with him (and the stolen goods). He then also gets adopted into the pack, even though he is a fox (misfits don’t care). He’s coming from a farming family, so he is not a fighter at all and prefers to do gardening and providing the pack with food; however ever since they saved him he is very attached to Kari and Val and he can’t stand the thought of them leaving every other week for their missions, therefore he decides to come with them to their missions.

Over time, all three of them fall in love with each other, but of course there’s lots of doubt before they notice what’s going on between them, and it’s not going to be super easy. But eventually they figure it out. Important thing to note is that all of them are incredibly spicy and they love showing affection in a physical way….. in contrast to Fabi and Silas who aren’t able to touch (sorry boys).

They all have a very close relationship with Fabi and Silas, too. All 5 of them together will become inseparable. I’m excited to write a story that kinda blurs the lines between relationships, if that makes sense. I almost want to call them queerplatonic, but I’m not sure if I can give it a name/label yet. The way they’re currently developing and showing themselves to me is so fun

okay and before this gets too long - this was a very bare bones description, but there’s much more to come for sure~

to end this post, here’s tiny Kari (drawn with mouse) for you 💜

thank you so much for reading my rambles about themm ; o;


first draft of their designs
random doodle~



Poly relationships are my favorite!


Such floofy bois! 🤎🧡💛


This sounds like it's going to be a wonderful story