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hey hey, i hope you're all doing fine 🌻 my week has been a little bit on the slow side, but luckily i still made good progress for the comic and my mind is kinda overflowing with ideas for OCs and stories in general~ i'm also getting back into journaling and memory keeping which i have neglected a bit this year, but i notice how much i need it and how much i just love flipping through my older journal entries

speaking of journal entries, i'm planning to pick up Noah's journal project again too and continue making spreads for it! i really miss doing them and one day i want to incorporate the spreads in some way into the actual comic. like there's a specific scene where i'm planning to include the actual irl pages and i just need to figure out how best to do that and i'm looking forward to make that happen~

the scene i'm currently working on has 11 pages and it's a bit of a challenge (i want to get the mood just right and hope i can pull it off). i really can't wait to show it to you !! our boys are in for something 🐾 




rreaallyyy looking forward to this next scene!! this wip is perfect i love them so much.


Inclusion of irl journal of pages sounds great ! I'm really looking forward to this scene and the next. Take care !