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i'm feeling kinda sappy and emotional today~ thank you for being here 💙


on another note, i've gotten the notification from makeship that the spirit plushies are in production now, only a few weeks more until they're on their way!!




Thank YOU Fanta. Thank you for bringing this story into our lives and for being wonderful to us. We love you!!!!!! (I am excited to have my little Robin and Noah plushies as well huehue)


No, thank you for bringing this world and story to existence!!! I love it and the boys!!! I also can’t wait to have those plushies come home!!! 🥰


Thank you for these cuties! And great to hear you're doing better ✨ Can't wait for my Noah spirit plushie to come over 🌺❤️




And thank you, for your wonderful art and story!! I’m so excited for these to arrive!!


Grateful for you ♥️♥️


This is one of those stories that hits the emotions for me strongly and i love it so much. These boys are great and I'm so excited to see where they go from here. Was going through a rough mental patch and missed the plushies. Maybe they will make a return in the future? Either case, thanks for these chapters and well wishes for many more to come.


Thank you for this story Fanta! 🥰 This story really has come to mean a lot to me, and it's really cool seeing the boys' relationship progress! Thank you for everything and I can't wait to see how things unfold more soon! ❤️❤️