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hey everyone, I hope you're doing fine! Here are some babies snuggling~

Drawing the panels for this month's scene has been going well and they're basically just clinging to each other ; -; it heals my heart to see them like this.

Also, a small health update, because I noticed I haven't really talked about how I'm doing or what I'm up to lately: My doctor said that all my stats are looking good currently 🌻 I noticed that as well, because my dizziness was getting much better for a while, and it makes me very hopeful and optimistic that I'll be able to have a bit of a break from it sometimes. My dizziness has been more prominent again recently though, so I'm taking it easy most of the days, and try to get a bit done every day.

I'm still trying to manage those ups and downs, but I think I have become much better at it and I know when I can push myself a bit more or when I have to take a whole day off and just sleep. Overall, I'm in a really good mood and I have finished all the sketches for this month's pages and the storyboard for the next scenes is also taking shape 🐾 I'm also so excited to show you what I've been working on recently in the background, and I'm sure I can share it with you soon!




Happy for you ! Take care of yourself 🤍


Glad to hear you’re doing a bit better, but remember to rest as well 😊♥️


✨🤩✨🤩✨ All good news! Well okay, except for the currently-feeling-dizzy news, but hopefully that will improve soon!

